Sweet Essentials for 2 Weeks in India



For my trip to India, I knew it was important to cover all bases in regards to my health. I’ve been to the Travel Doctor and had my jabs (only one, yay!), got my malarial pills and of course anything to help prevent Delhi Belly! My first aid kit can be compared to something a paramedic would carry – but what are Chloe’s travel essentials?

While packing this week I’ve had the word ‘minimalist’ pinned across my forehead. This trip is about all the things I need, not necessarily what I want to take. The only reason I may change my outfit twice a day is because I have sweated out the first one!

My travel essentials start with my scarf. Although it will be muggy and hot when I’m there, I will still need to carry something light for cover. A lightweight scarf is perfect to cover up the shoulders and make a baggy tee and pants look slightly more feminine.

I know I said ‘minimalist’ before, but I couldn’t be without my iPhone. From taking pictures, communication with the homeland and for researching places to see and things to do. Viator is the perfect companion for booking all sorts of tours and attractions. The easy app allows you to book a tour within 24 hours of it happening! It’s great for a bunch of girls who are keen for impromptu adventure.

One item I’m most keen to use is my notebook. This particular notebook is actually from India when my friend was visiting a couple of years ago. There is something quite special about bringing this notebook back to where it came from and filling it with my own stories and experiences.

The beauty products I’m taking could not come any simpler – foundation, mascara, bronzer and a little bit of eyeliner for the evening. Bobbi Brown Illuminating Finish Powder suits my skin the best and their BB Cream is fantastic for that bit of coverage and SPF protection. I’m loving Inika’s mineral bronzer for its earthy colour and organic, natural ingredients. I’m one of those people who needs mascara so MAC Haute and Naughty Too Black Lash is perfect with its two brush option – one for light application and double brushes for thick lashes.

IMG_9951 IMG_9962 IMG_9941Wayfarers by Ray eBan, Petite Grand ‘U’ necklace, crystal necklace by Tilkah , Denim cap by Glassons, scarf by Uniqlo