Pitaland Pittsburgh

I'm lucky enough to have the perfect place to share with the readers of  the Project Sweet Stuff blog.  Not only does this place provide the very best of food and sweets, it comes complete with the sweetness of an authentic, genuine, loving family. It’s right here in Pittsburgh, where I live.

On the average morning, I can drive the 15 minutes it takes me to get to Pitaland and indulge in truly, the best sweets any bakery has to offer. While thoroughly enjoying the fresh, warm, decadent baklava with my perfect Arabic coffee, I take the opportunity to think about the "sweetness" that surrounds me.  While the baklava is genuinely perfection to the taste buds, I can’t help but think about where it came from and the many stories this recipe carries. My father-in-law came to the USA from Lebanon almost 40 years ago, and has worked tirelessly with his family to make his dream a reality.

I’m always happy to kick back with my coffee and just watch the locals come in and chit-chat. Laughing and joking with each other, with my husband, sister in law, brother in law, and father in law. Talking about life, food, and getting help with that all-important recipe they plan on making later that day. The perfect combination of sweetness in my book. In our family, our lives revolve around food. Food is crucial in celebratory times, times of mourning, family gatherings... it is no different here at the bakery. I sit and watch the interactions around me, each customer comes in for a different reason. Some for the food, some for the company, and most for both.

It's nice to be reminded that the sweetness in my life has more to do with the people and the journey than the food...though the food makes it all just a little bit sweeter!



Visit Pitaland www.pitaland.com Pitaland is new to Instagram, show them some love! instagram

This post was submitted by Jourdy from Pittsburgh USA